


NIDN/NIDK : 0001076702

Lektor Kepala



NIDN/NIDK : 0001076702

Lektor Kepala


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 2

Google H-Index : 9


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 2

Google H-Index : 9

GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 327

Corporate Governance Quality, Firm Size and Earnings Management: Empirical study in Indonesia Stock Exchange
105 Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 14 (4), 105 - 120, 2017
Y Saftiana, Mukhtaruddin, KW Putri, IS Ferina
Citation : 62
Year : 2017
Perbandingan indikator kinerja keuangan pemerintah propinsi Se-Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 12, 2009
H Susantih, Y Saftiana
Citation : 55
Year : 2009
Perbandingan Indikator Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Propinsi Se-Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XII, 2008
H Susantih, Y Saftiana
Citation : 53
Year : 2008
Perbandingan Indikator Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Provinsi Se-Sumatra Bagian Selatan
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 12, 2009
H Susantih, Y Saftiana
Citation : 52
Year : 2009
KW, & Ferina
IS Corporate governance quality, firm size and earnings management …, 2017
Y Saftiana, P Mukhtaruddin
Citation : 36
Year : 2017
Perbandingan Indikator Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Provinsi Se-Sumatra Bagian Selatan‖
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XII
H Susantih, Y Saftiana
Citation : 25
Year : 2008
Pengaruh Kepemilikan Saham Pemerintah dan Profitabilitas terhadap PengungkapanCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Informasi Akuntansi (JENIUS) 2 (2), 2012
M Sefrilia, Y Saftiana
Citation : 18
Year : 2012
Firm's characteristics, corporate governance quality and corporate social responsibility disclosure
Sriwijaya International Journal of Dynamic Economics and Business, 193-212, 2018
M Mukhtaruddin, Y Saftiana, PA Dwikatama
Citation : 15
Year : 2018
Firm’s characteristics, corporate governance quality and corporate social responsibility disclosure
Sriwijaya International Journal of Dynamic Economics and Business 2 (3), 193-212, 2018
M Mukhtaruddin, Y Saftiana, PA Dwikatama
Citation : 13
Year : 2018
Analisis Manufacturing Cycle Effectiveness Dalam Meningkatkan Cost Effective Pada Pabrik Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan 12 (1), 107-121, 2007
YE Saftiana, RW Andriyanto
Citation : 11
Year : 2007