Garuda Documents

Source by Sinta Kemendikbudristek

Total : 1871

Pendampingan santri Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qomar dalam pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan penyakit akibat parasit
Author Order : 5 of 10
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.32539/Hummed.V4I1.107
Year : 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya
Dimensions Info :
Mechanisms of Cellular Adaptation and Change: A Narrative Literature Review
Author Order : 1 of 2
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/oaijmr.v3i2.298
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
Counseling on the Potency of Platelet Growth Factor in the Management of Ankle Sprain Trauma in Orthopedic Polyclinic Patients at YK Madira Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Author Order : 2 of 2
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/icejournal.v3i1.44
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
Counseling on the Potential of Platelet Growth Factor as a Biological Agent to Overcome Osteoarthritis Disorders at Ar-Rasyid Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Author Order : 1 of 1
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/icejournal.v3i1.46
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
The Role of Natural Physical, Mechanical, and Biochemical Barriers as Innate Immunity: A Narrative Literature Review
Author Order : 2 of 2
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/oaijmr.v3i2.299
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
The Role of Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) in the Body's Defense System: A Narrative Literature Review
Author Order : 2 of 2
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/oaijmr.v3i2.300
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
Inflammatory Response Plays a Role in Innate Immunity: A Narrative Literature Review
Author Order : 2 of 2
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.37275/oaijmr.v3i2.301
Year : 2023
Publisher : HM Publisher
Dimensions Info :
The Relationship between Feeding Patterns and Stunting Incidence in Toddlers Aged 12-59 Months in the Working Area of Pembina Health Center, Plaju, Palembang, Indonesia
Author Order : 1 of 1
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.59345/sjped.v1i1.11
Year : 2023
Publisher : Phlox Institute: Indonesian Medical Research Organization
Dimensions Info :
Overview of the Cardiac Conduction System: A Narrative Literature Review
Author Order : 1 of 1
Accreditation :
DOI : 10.59345/sjim.v1i1.18
Year : 2023
Publisher : Phlox Institute: Indonesian Medical Research Organization
Dimensions Info :
Author Order : 1 of 4
Accreditation : 4
DOI : 10.32539/JKK.V10I2.21252
Year : 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya
Dimensions Info :