

Ilmu Kelautan

NIDN/NIDK : 0021057908

Lektor Kepala


Ilmu Kelautan

NIDN/NIDK : 0021057908

Lektor Kepala


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 10

Google H-Index : 14


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 10

Google H-Index : 14

GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 242

Intensification of seaweed cultivation Euchema cottonii with verticulture method in the water of Kelagian Island, Lampung Bay
International Journal of Marine Science 8, 2018
M Hendri, R Rozirwan, R Apri, Y Handayani
Citation : 6
Year : 2018
Skrining potensi senyawa bioaktif sebagai antibakteri pada karang lunak dari perairan Pulau Pongok Bangka Selatan dan Pulau Tegal Teluk Lampung
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 6 (2), 283-295, 2014
BD Rozirwan, Z Np, H Effendi
Citation : 6
Year : 2014
How strong was the 2015/2016 El Niño event?
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011 (1), 012030, 2018
I Iskandar, DO Lestari, PA Utari, QW Sari, D Setiabudidaya, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2018
Extreme positive Indian Ocean Dipole in 2019 and its impact on Indonesia
Sustainability 14 (22), 15155, 2022
I Iskandar, DO Lestari, AD Saputra, RY Setiawan, A Wirasatriya, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2022
Phytochemical composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from the east coast of South Sumatra, Indonesia
Baghdad Science Journal 20 (4), 1258-1258, 2023
RY Nugroho, G Diansyah, WAE Putri, A Agussalim
Citation : 6
Year : 2023
Insecticidal Activity and Phytochemical Profiles of Avicennia marina and Excoecaria agallochaLeaves Extracts
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 28 (2), 148-160, 2023
Rozirwan, Muhtadi, TZ Ulqodry, RY Nugroho, NN Khotimah, Fauziyah, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2023
Insecticidal Activity and Phytochemical Profiles of Avicennia marina and Excoecaria agallocha Leaves Extracts.
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 28 (2), 2023
TZ Ulqodry, RY Nugroho, NN Khotimah, WAE Putri, R Aryawati, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2023
Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic, Phytochemical Content, and HPLC Profile of Selected Mangrove Species from Tanjung Api-Api Port Area, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (7), 2023
R Rozirwan, H Hananda, RY Nugroho, R Apri, NN Khotimah, F Fauziyah, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2023
Ecological risk assessment of heavy metal (Pb, Cu) contamination in water, sediment, and Polychaeta (Neoleanira tetragona) from coastal areas affected by aquaculture, urban …
Journal of Ecological Engineering 25 (1), 303-319, 2024
R Rozirwan, SAF Az-Zahra, NN Khotimah, RY Nugroho, WAE Putri, ...
Citation : 6
Year : 2024
How strong was the 2015/2016 El Niño event?
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011 (1), 012030
I Iskandar, DO Lestari, PA Utari, QW Sari, D Setiabudidaya, ...
Citation : 5
Year : 2018